2024 October Agenda and Minutes


Board of Trustees Meeting
Oct. 10, 2024

3 p.m.

Bennie Ellis Board Room

This is a reminder that the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees will meet in person on Thursday, October 10th at 3 p.m. in the Bennie Ellis board room.There will be no Zoom option for this meeting.  

Call to Order — Linda Pledger

Approval of Agenda — Linda Pledger

Regular Reports

  • Finance Report — Richard Stipe
  • President's Report — Richard Stipe

Consent Agenda — Linda Pledger

  • September regular meeting minutes

Monitoring Report
  • Student Success — Tavonda Brown/Mandy Kilbourn

Board Comments



Board of Trustees
October 10, 2024

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday 10, October 2024 in the Bennie Ellis board room.  Chair Pledger called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Trustees Don Tomlinson, Scott Miller, Pam Henry, Debbie Johnson, Luke Feighert, and Sarah Newman were present.
North Arkansas College personnel attending included Dr. Rick Massengale, Tavonda Brown, Richard Stipe, Dr. Matt Cardin, Mel Klipp, Jo Adams, Kris Greening, Brandon Cone, Micki Somers, Dr. Rodney Arnold, Jason Patience, and Harrison Daily Times guest, Scott McDonald. 

Approval of Agenda
Chair Pledger asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved. 

Regular Reports
Finance Report: Richard Stipe shared the E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through September 2024.

In the E&G fund, Richard Stipe stated the total monthly revenue was $907,287, and the expenditures ended at $1,173,626. The year-to-date total of revenues was $6,439,700, and expenses were $4,475,091. 

Auxiliary: The month's revenue totaled $73,170, and the expenditures totaled $63,580. The year-to-date revenues were $807,122, and expenses were $455,747. He noted that trend lines are similar to the previous year. 

Mr. Stipe provided an update on the CRMI building, noting that there are now footings, and we can expect to see progress.

President's Report:
Dr. Massengale praised the Men’s and Women’s basketball players for their volunteer work with the community including Master Gardner’s, Boone County Library, Agency on Aging of NW Arkansas, and many other events. He spoke about the involvement of faculty, staff, and students with the 2024 Northark Intramurals Corn Hole tournament. He said he gives the opportunity to be with the students on a different level. Dr. Massengale recognized the 2024 ACC Honorees, Whitney Sutterfield named the Academic All-Star, Mandy Kilbourn named the Outstanding Staff, and Jennifer Usrey named the Outstanding Faculty of the Year.  

Dr. Massengale broke down the Fall 2024 enrollment compared to other two- year community colleges. He noted that our total enrollment the past 5 years is up by 24.7%. Trustee Miller asked if we track the area high schools, trends, and where we are making progress. Dr. Massengale said we do track and there is a new movement pushed by the Arkansas Higher of Education to receive enhanced high school diplomas. Which led to more students taking concurrent classes to earn college credit.  He ended his report by announcing the focus on Music and Arts in 2025.

Consent Agenda
The consent agenda included the September regular meeting and special meeting minutes.
Chair Pledger asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Johnson made the motion, which was seconded by Trustee Newman, and unanimously approved.

Monitoring Report
Tavonda Brown and Mandy Kilbourn presented the October monitoring report, Student Success. Mrs. Brown discussed objectives that align with our strategic plan: vision 2025. She began by speaking about student success and student transfers. She stated in 2022, transfers to AR 4-year with 30 earned ACTS course hours were 27 and 37 in 2023. Transfer to AR 4-year with an associate degree were 66 in the year 2021, 81 in the year 2022, and 87 transfers in 2023.  She stated that MSU and CFO are not listed and when a student transfers to the border colleges, we do not receive credit with our performance funding. She listed transfer strategies are Spring Transfer Fair, College visits, recruiter visits, 2 + 2 agreements, University Center, and purpose first/advising sessions. 

She discussed student retention from the years 2015-2023. The initial enrollment status for full-time students was 53% in 2018-2019, 58% in 2020-2021, 55% in year 2021-2022, and 59% in 2023-2023. Mrs. Brown listed retention strategies for free tutoring, onsite housing, student organizations, and purpose first/advising sessions. She broke down percentages of student completion from the years 2011-2020. She stated the tracking is complete using IPEDS 150% graduation rate, which is the percentage of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking students in a particular year (cohort) that receive a degree or certificate within 150% of the time. Completion strategies include Academic maps, Academic and Holistic support, prior learning assessment, at risk interventions, 15 to Finish, and student satisfaction survey. 

Mrs. Brown gave the results of the student satisfaction survey administered in spring 2024, with 62.2% strongly agreeing to recommend Northark. She spoke about the results of the CCSSE 2024 service satisfaction survey. She listed student success strategies such as co-curricular offerings, adulting 101 life skills, engagement, Pete’s pantry, triage, and referrals, supporting parenting students, and employment.

The Chair Pledger adjourned the meeting at 3:55 p.m.

Special Meeting Agenda

In accordance with Arkansas Act 93 of 1967, this notice serves to inform the public that members of the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees may attend a special meeting on Wednesday, October 23rd via Zoom at 8:30 a.m. Action will be action taken.


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Meeting ID:814 1288 0667


Call to Order — Linda Pledger

Approval of Agenda — Linda Pledger

New Business 

  • Center of Robotics and Manufacturing Innovation - Contract Change No. 1

Board Comments

Adjournment — Linda Pledger

Special Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees
October 23, 2024

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in a special session on Tuesday 23, October 2024 via Zoom. Vice Chair Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Trustees Scott Miller, Chris McNew, Debbie Johnson, and Sarah Newman were present.

North Arkansas College personnel attending included Dr. Rick Massengale, Jo Adams, Richard Stipe, Chandra Huston, Micki Somers, Dr. Ricky Tompkins, and Dr. Rodney Arnold. 

Approval of Agenda
Chair Pledger asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved. 

Consent Agenda
The consent agenda included Center of Robotics and Manufacturing Innovation- Contract Change No.1
Trustee Miller asked Mr. Stipe to explain the core drilling process and why the presence of rock was not discovered earlier.

Mr. Stipe explained that when an engineering firm handles the civil design work for a project, they order soil samples. The firm visits the site and drills in the areas of the footprint to assess the soil type, such as rock, gravel, clay, etc. Based on these samples, the engineers adjust their design plans accordingly. He noted that in the areas where the samples were taken, no large rocks were present, and the issue was only discovered after digging began.

Chair Pledger asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
A motion was made by Trustee Feighert, seconded by Trustee Johnson, and the motion was unanimously approved.

After the approval of the Center of Robotics & Manufacturing Innovation - Contract Change No. 1,
Trustee Feighert commented that the additional costs stemmed from hiring out-of-town contractors. While the rock issue was not related to this, he noted that non-local contractors often incur higher general conditions, which leads to cost increases. He encouraged hiring local contractors for future projects to avoid these extra expenses.

Trustee Miller asked what the impact on reserves would be when the two-million-dollar transfer is made.

Mr. Stipe responded that it would have an impact on the reserves, reducing them to about a third of what they were at the end of the fiscal year. This would leave approximately four months' worth of reserves. He mentioned that they may consider discussing additional bond issuance with the Board to ensure a healthy cash flow position moving forward.

Chair Pledger adjourned the meeting at 8:46 a.m. 
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