Science and Nature

Science and Nature

Arkansas Bats

Instructor: Blake Sasse

Do you love bats and want to learn more about them? Join us for an engaging presentation that will discuss bat biology and habitat use. Of the 16 bat species found in Arkansas, four of them are federally endangered species. Challenges faced by bats such as human disturbance and disease will be covered, as well as the actions taken to help their populations recover.

Blake has been the Nongame Mammal Program Leader for Arkansas Game and Fish Commission since its inception in 2000. He received his Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management from the University of Missouri and his Master of Science in Wildlife Management from the University of New Hampshire. Blake focuses his work on the management of endangered bats, but also works with other nongame and furbearing mammals.

Day of week: Tuesday

Date: November 19

Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Cost: FREE! (Registration is required)

Fabulous Fall Planter

Instructor: Sarah Hoffman

Celebrate the return of autumn with a lovely fall planter to decorate your porch, deck, or patio. Learn which plants and flowers are hardy enough to grow in the cooler months of fall. You will design and plant a beautiful fall planter to take home with you. Please bring gloves and dress appropriately for the outdoors.

Sarah grew up in gardens and developed a passion for growing things early. Her experience includes a lifetime of creating and maintaining organic gardens of flowers, vegetables, herbs, trees, shrubs, and roses.

Day of the week: Tuesday

Dates: October 8

Time: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Cost: $60 (supplies provided) 

Foraging 101

Instructor: Jamon Henderson

Do you know which wild plants you can use for medicine? Discover the joys of hunting for herbs in this introduction to foraging. Learn to safely identify medicinal plants such as echinacea, white pine, wild lettuce, plantain, and more. Please dress for walking & being outdoors with appropriate shoes. Bring notebook & pencil, smartphone & bug spray, if desired. Ages 10 & up.

Jamon is a Certified Advanced Master Herbalist with over 15 years of experience as a medicine maker. He lives in Missouri and first learned about plant medicine for survival camping. Now he focuses on making herbal medications and sharing his knowledge with community groups.

Day of the week: Thursday

Dates: Sept. 19, 26 & Oct. 3, 10 (4 lessons)

Time: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Cost: $50

Snakes of Arkansas

Instructor: Matt Gideon

Back again by popular demand, this lively and informative class will help you better understand these amazing creatures! There are not just “good’ snakes and “bad” snakes! All snakes play a vital role in their habitats and are important indicators of a healthy ecosystem. They are as much predators as they are prey. Join us as we learn all about the native snakes of Arkansas and the value that they bring to our ecosystems.

Matt is an educator with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. He works at the Fred Berry Crooked Creek Nature Center in Yellville, Arkansas. He will be bringing snakes to this special wildlife program – come meet the snakes!

Day of week: Tuesday

Date: October 1

Time: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Cost: FREE! (Registration is required)

Ticks & Tick-borne Diseases

Instructor: Lauren Cannon

In this class we will discuss the types of ticks found in our area, as well as the diseases that they can carry, and tips on how to protect yourself from being bitten. The instructor will share the latest research-based information, as well as her own experiences with ticks and the diseases that they can pass on to humans and other animals.

Lauren is a Newton County, Arkansas, native and the Nature Center Manager at the Ponca Nature Center. She has been with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for seven years. Lauren has a passion for the outdoors and loves that her career allows her to share that passion with others.

Day of the week: Tuesday

Date: September 24

Time: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Cost: FREE! (Registration is required) 

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