As we prepare for precipitation, it’s a good time to remind the campus community about how Northark makes closing decisions and how you can stay informed about college closings. In general, Northark will be open for normal business operations during its posted hours of operation unless announced otherwise. When inclement weather arrives, Northark follows a decision-making process led by Cabinet which prioritizes the safety and well-being of our campus community when determining operating status. Please note a change this year as the closing decision will be made independently by Northark and will not necessarily mirror Harrison or Berryville School Districts decision. Employees should note when classes are cancelled, offices are closed.
Closing decisions are split into three time periods:
- Day classes - Day classes are classes occurring before 5 p.m. Northark will make a good faith effort to announce the decision before 6:00 a.m. each morning to accommodate individuals who drive long distances.
- Afternoon classes - Afternoon classes begin before 5:00 p.m. and end after 5:00 p.m. and will be handled individually. The instructor will notify students if class will be cancelled.
- Evening Classes - Evening classes are classes occurring after 5 p.m. Northark will make a good faith effort to announce a decision about evening classes by 3:00 p.m. to allow adequate travel to campus.
MyNortharkAlerts closing announcements will be issued in the following order:
Text alert and email via MyNortharkAlerts (visit the home page at to sign up or to check/update your information)
North Arkansas College website homepage at
North Arkansas College Official Facebook page
North Arkansas College Official Twitter page
KY3, KOLR 10 television stations and Ozarks Dynacom 102.9 radio station.
Closing decisions for leased facilities and community events will be announced on Northark’s homepage at
In the event the college declares a “Virtual Day” during inclement weather, that decision will be communicated just as the closing would be. A “Virtual Day” means classes will be held online and employees will work from home. A Virtual Day decision encompasses both day and night classes for that specific day.
It is important to note that even when the College is open, students, faculty, and staff should use personal discretion based on a risk assessment related to travel. We encourage everyone to take precautions and use good judgment when traveling to/from campus. Students should contact their instructor to notify them they cannot attend class and make any necessary arrangement regarding assignments. Employees should contact their immediate supervisory to notify them they cannot attend work. Your safety is the top priority.